First Chapter/First Paragraph · Teaser Tuesday

First Chapter/First Paragraph ~Teaser Tuesday – Needful Things by Stephen King

Happy Tuesday!


Today I am linking up with Vicki @ I’d Rather Be At The Beach who hosts a meme every Tuesday to share the First Chapter/First Paragraph or two of the book you are currently reading.

I’m also once again joining The Purple Booker with Teaser Tuesday. It’s easy to join – just grab your current read, open it to a random page, and share two teaser sentences being careful not to include any spoilers.

I have been reading this book over the past few weeks as part of an Instagram readalong hosted by Janel@Keeper of Pages. This is my first readalong and will definitely not be my last! This is a long book topping out at nearly 800 pages making it an excellent book to break up into small sections and chat about it each week. I am 71% in and cannot wait to see how it turns out! My teaser below is taken very early on and I was very careful to keep it spoiler free.

If you would like to join Janel’s June readalong they will be reading 11/22/63 by Stephen King.

First Chapter/First Paragraph

Chapter 1

In a small town, the opening of a new store is big news.

It wasn’t as big a deal to Brian Rusk as it was to some; his mother, for instance. He had heard her discussing it (he wasn’t supposed to call it gossiping, she had told him, because gossiping was a dirty habit and she didn’t do it) at some length on the telephone with her best friend, Myra Evans, over the last month or so. The first workmen had arrived at the old building which had last housed Western Maine Realty and Insurance right around the time school let in again, and they had been busily at work ever since. Not that anyone had much idea what they were up to in there; their first act had been to put in a large display window, and their second had been to soap it opaque.

Two weeks ago a sign had appeared in the doorway, hung on a string over a plastic see-through suction-cup.


the sign read.



“You won’t believe your eyes!”

Teaser Tuesday

There was at least one woman in Castle Rock who did not play by the accepted rules, immutable as they might seem to others. This was Polly Chalmers, who ran You Sew and Sew. Ordinary behavior was not expected of her by most; Polly Chalmers was considered by the ladies of Castle Rock (and many of the gentlemen) to be Eccentric.

Needful Things by Stephen King

Goodreads Synopsis

Leland Gaunt opens a new shop in Castle Rock called Needful Things. Anyone who enters his store finds the object of his or her lifelong dreams and desires: a prized baseball card, a healing amulet. In addition to a token payment, Gaunt requests that each person perform a little “deed,” usually a seemingly innocent prank played on someone else from town. These practical jokes cascade out of control and soon the entire town is doing battle with itself. Only Sheriff Alan Pangborn suspects that Gaunt is behind the population’s increasingly violent behavior.

Book Details:

Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton Ltd
Publication Date: 1992
Pages: 790 (Paperback)

Do these entice you to want to read the book? What are you reading this week?
I’d love to read your First Chapter/First Paragraph and Teaser Tuesday if you’d like to link them in the comments below!

Let’s get social…


Thank you for visiting and happy reading!

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