Mystery · Suspense

Book Review – Until the Day I Die by Emily Carpenter

Goodreads Synopsis:

If there’s a healthy way to grieve, Erin Gaines hasn’t found it. After her husband’s sudden death, the runaway success of the tech company they built with their best friends has become overwhelming. Her nerves are frayed, she’s disengaged, and her frustrated daughter, Shorie, is pulling away from her. Maybe Erin’s friends and family are right. Maybe a few weeks at a spa resort in the Caribbean islands is just what she needs to hit the reset button…

Shorie is not only worried about her mother’s mental state but also for the future of her parents’ company. Especially when she begins to suspect that not all of Erin’s colleagues can be trusted. It seems someone is spinning an intricate web of deception—the foundation for a conspiracy that is putting everything, and everyone she loves, at risk. And she may be the only one who can stop it.

Now, thousands of miles away in a remote, and oftentimes menacing, tropical jungle, Erin is beginning to have similar fears. Things at the resort aren’t exactly how the brochure described, and unless she’s losing her mind, Erin’s pretty sure she wasn’t sent there to recover—she was sent to disappear.

My Opinion:

Erin’s life started spiraling out of control with the loss of her husband. She has thrown herself into her work at the tech company Jax that they started with their best friends Ben and Sabine. Now it is time for Erin to send her only child, Shorie, off to college and it is almost more than she can handle.

Erin’s family and friends decide she needs to take some time away to regain control of her life. She begrudgingly agrees to go to Hidden Sands, a place of restoration, in an attempt to appease everyone.

Throughout the book it alternates the POV of Erin and Shorie. There were many terrifying moments for these two characters where I feared for their lives. I was right there with them and was unsure myself who they could and could not trust. The strained relationship between mother and daughter was very relatable. They are both likable characters and I rooted for them the entire way!

I popped in and out of this book for a few days, enjoying it, but not blown away. Once I hit the 50% mark things really picked up and I flew through the rest of it in an afternoon.

If you enjoy mystery and suspense, with a bit of family drama thrown in, then this is one you will enjoy!

*Thank you NetGalley, Lake Union Publishing, and Emily Carpenter for the opportunity to read and review this book for my honest opinion.

Other Emily Carpenter Books I Have Reviewed: 

Every Single Secret
The Weight of Lies

Book Details:

My Rating: 4/5
Genre: Mystery/Suspense
Series: None
Publisher: Lake Union Publishing
Publication Date: 3/12/2019
Pages: 325 (eBook)

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