First Chapter/First Paragraph

First Chapter/First Paragraph – The Silent Wife by Karin Slaughter

Today I am linking up with Socrates’ Book Reviews who hosts a meme every Tuesday to share the First Chapter/First Paragraph or two of the book you are currently reading.

The Silent Wife by Karin Slaughter


Beckey Caterino stared into the darkest corners of the dorm refrigerator. She angrily scanned the food labels, searching for her scrawled initials on anything—cottage cheese, Lunchables, bagel bites, vegan hot dogs, even carrot sticks.

KP, Kayleigh Pierce. DL, Deneshia Lachland. VS, Vanessa Sutter.

“Bitches.” Beckey slammed the fridge door hard enough to make the beer bottles rattle. She kicked the closest thing she could find, which happened to be the trashcan.

Goodreads Synopsis

Atlanta, Georgia. Present day. A young woman is brutally attacked and left for dead. The police investigate but the trail goes cold. Until a chance assignment takes GBI investigator Will Trent to the state penitentiary, and to a prisoner who says he recognizes the MO. The attack looks identical to the one he was accused of eight years earlier. The prisoner’s always insisted that he was innocent, and now he’s sure he has proof. The killer is still out there.

As Will digs into both crimes it becomes clear that he must solve the original case in order to reach the truth. Yet nearly a decade has passed—time for memories to fade, witnesses to vanish, evidence to disappear. And now he needs medical examiner Sara Linton to help him hunt down a ruthless murderer. But when the past and present collide, everything Will values is at stake.

Audiobook Details –

Genre: Mystery
Series: Will Trent, #10
Publisher: Blackstone Publishing
Publication Date: 8/4/2020
Narrators: Kathleen Early

Does this entice you to want to read the book?
I would love to read your First Chapter/First Paragraph if you would like to link it in the comments below!

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Thank you for visiting and happy reading!

4 thoughts on “First Chapter/First Paragraph – The Silent Wife by Karin Slaughter

  1. Oh I love this weekly meme. I’m going to need to remind myself to do this from time to time. I feel it would help with picking up picks I own and getting me to get rid of more.


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