
Book Review – The Camel Club by David Baldacci

Goodreads Synopsis:

Existing at the fringes of Washington D.C., the Club consists of four eccentric members. Led by a mysterious man know as “Oliver Stone,” they study conspiracy theories, current events, and the machinations of government to discover the “truth” behind the country’s actions. Their efforts bear little fruit — until the group witnesses a shocking murder … and become embroiled in an astounding, far reaching conspiracy. Now the Club must join forces with a Secret Service agent to confront one of the most chilling spectacles ever to take place on American soil — an event that may trigger the ultimate war between two different worlds. And all that stands in the way of this apocalypse is five unexpected heroes.

My Opinion:

The Camel Club is a corky group of misfits. They are four members – Oliver Stone, Caleb Shaw, Reuben Rhodes, and Milton Farb. They are the eyes and ears of Washington, D.C. They lurk about where no one realizes they are being watched and listened to. This conspiracy theory group meets at night so they can go undetected all in the name of justice.

The Camel Club is in the wrong place at the wrong time and find themselves witnesses of a murder. I really enjoyed the murder mystery storyline and all the characters involved in it. On the flip-side this book is very heavy-handed with politics, religion, terrorism, and the military. Of course when all is said and done it all ties in together, but getting there dragged on at times.

There are a lot of characters in this book, therefore a lot of story-lines to keep track of. The character development was done really well and added greatly to this multilayered book.

The ending of this book was fantastic! It was intense, fast-paced, and captivating!

I found the members of the Camel Club to be very intriguing. They all have very interesting and unique backgrounds that I look forward to seeing David Baldacci explore more as this series continues. I think there is a lot of potential in these characters and I am excited to move onto book two very soon!

Book Details:

My Rating: 3.5/5
Genre: Mystery
Series: Camel Club, #1
Publisher: Warner Books
Publication Date: 10/25/2005
Pages: 438 (Hardback)

*Book 19/20 in the #20booksofsummerreading challenge.

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10 thoughts on “Book Review – The Camel Club by David Baldacci

  1. Great review Tina. This is another of those books that I have sitting on my bookshelf and need to get to, I have read several other books by Baldacci and I love them.


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